Cinderella’s Dream: Together Forever 佳期如梦之今生今世 Chapter 4.3

Chapter 4.3

 He couldn't help asking, “What kind of meat is it? ”


 She was a little frustrated: “I don't want to say it. ”


She is more like a kitten like this, and he is a little itchy in his heart, maybe he just wants to know what kind of meat it is. She was a little apologetic: “After I found out the next day, I was so angry that I ignored my fourth brother for half a month, and I had a psychological shadow. It was too cruel. Later, when I thought about it, I felt uncomfortable, so I didn't want to talk about it. ”


 He thought for a while and asked, "Is it cat meat?" ”


 She covered her mouth and exclaimed, "Oh! How do you know? ”


 A pair of eyes were slightly timid, which made people's hearts move. 

 They talked a lot that day, from the various private dishes in the hutong to porcelain. Only then did he realize that she knew a lot about blue and white porcelain. A young girl with this kind of insight, which makes him feel she was rare. 


 “My grandfather started collecting blue and white porcelain very early. My cousins don't like it. Only I like to ask questions. My grandfather likes it very much, so he often tells me about it.”


 That's the case, but when he thought of Wu Zhen's 《渔趣图Fishing Fun Picture》, he still admired: "That painting, experts say that most people can't recognize it at all, and those who can recognize it, their skills have been on the rise for 30 years. . Little junior sister, you are so sharp. ”


 She blushed: "Actually, I really don't know anything about calligraphy and painting. If you change to another painting, I won't even know if it's true or not. ”


 He looked at her in surprise. 


 She told him very honestly: “The reason why I know that the painting is a copy is that the authentic work of this 《渔趣图Fishing Fun Picture》 has been hanging in my grandfather's study for almost 20 years. ”


 He was startled for a while and finally laughed so loudly that even she laughed with him. She smiled beautifully, with a mouthful of white and neat teeth, and her cheeks were still flushed with a little bit of redness steaming out of the hot pot, like a water lily. 


 He hadn't laughed like that for many years, and he just felt refreshed. 


Later, on Valentine's Day, he gave her an unofficial personal seal, jokingly engraved with four small seals: "fiery eyes and golden pupils”" He obviously called her a monkey, so she deliberately prolonged her voice: “Big senior brother-Sun Wu Kong-you are the monkey, not me! ”

(illa: fiery eyes and golden pupils火眼金睛: discerning eyes )


 He said, “I am the big senior brother, and you are the little monkey. ”


 Pinching her cheek affectionately: “You are my little monkey. ”

 At that time, the two of them were really good, so good that they were like glue, even if they didn't have a chance to meet, they either called or MSN. She turned on the computer after class. Sometimes he was not online. She was really bored, so she called over and over again: “Wu Kong.. Wu Kong...”


 Otherwise, it's just: “Big senior brother... Big senior brother...”


 After a while, he finished the meeting or came out of the airport, and as soon as he saw her online, he would answer: “Blockhead, Bajie (Romuse: The pig in the journey to the west), I'm back. ”


 Later, he registered an employee BSS of his company for her and used the nickname "Bajie”. 


 Originally, the external network could not access the employee BBS. He specially installed software on his computer and set it up as a proxy server, and then she could log in remotely. She almost vomited blood when she saw this nickname, and said, “I don't need it. ”


 It's rare for him to gloat, holding his arms: “Just have this ID, the password is my birthday, you can use it if you like if you don't use it is fine. ”


 She didn't remember his birthday, so he remembered this hatred and deliberately set the password to his birthday, this stingy man. She really wanted to log in, so she had to use it grievously. Because there are always young female employees of his company who commit “guy-crazy" acts on BBS, she accidentally saw it in his notebook once, and immediately made up her mind to register for the forum so that she could scout for “enemies" every day. 


Someone posted a special post on BBS to count the number of times they encountered Yi Changning by chance. Someone came up to show off with joy: “I met Yi God in the corridor on the 28th floor this morning, so handsome! ”


 Someone else broke the news: “I just saw that Yi God's tie today is an amoeba with small dots. It's a really great match for a grey suit! ”

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